Advice for Divorce after Age 50

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in estate planning on Tuesday, December 16, 2014. When you’re over 50 and facing divorce from a long-term marriage, coming to a settlement agreement that will safeguard a comfortable...

It’s That Time of Year

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in estate planning on Friday, December 12, 2014. It is the giving time of year, and whether your gift is in another person’s name to a charity, or as a donation directly to a charity,...

Planning Caregiving for Seniors

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in elder law on Thursday, December 11, 2014. There are a number of reasons that conflicts occur when multiple family members are involved in caregiving. Hopefully, there is a common goal of...
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