Documents Needed in Estate Planning

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in estate planning on Friday, November 14, 2014. A well-planned estate is a wonderful legacy you can leave your heirs – instead of untangling a messy estate, they can follow concrete...

A Quick Look at Grantor Trusts

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in estate planning on Thursday, November 13, 2014. Some advisers are moving low-basis assets out of the trusts by swapping in high-basis assets. For years wealthy investors have used grantor...

You Can Forget about Estate Planning Mistakes!

On behalf ESTATE PLANNING LAW GROUP OF GEORGIA, James M. Miskell P.C. posted in estate planning on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. The good thing about making mistakes when it comes to estate planning is that you won’t be around to suffer the consequences. The...
Free Estate Planning Workshop