Few things in life provoke more anxiety than financial precarity. Often, in a bid to close gaps and meet basic needs, individuals turn to credit to cover urgent costs, counting the ability to forge a lasting solution when time permits. Clawing one’s way back up this...
Charitable giving comes in many forms. Some people make philanthropic achievements a lifetime goal, while others will make donations periodically throughout their life when they feel passionate about a particular cause. Another way that many people choose to give to...
Medicare covers a big part of many people’s medical expenses after they turn 65. Medicare Part A is hospital insurance that pays for things like hospital stays, surgery, and hospice care. Medicare Part B is more of a traditional medical insurance that helps pay for...
You couldn’t be blamed for thinking a safe deposit box is the best place to store estate planning documents; after all, the name suggests that it’s a pretty safe place. However true, “safe” should not be your only criteria in determining where to store...
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to get going on that long list of things you need to accomplish in 2020…including estate planning. Even if it isn’t at the top of your to-do list—or if it didn’t even make the list at all—estate planning is an important...
As a grandparent, there is surely much knowledge—and even more learned lessons—you hope to pass down to your grandchildren: core values, family history, career planning, and maybe even money management. While all of these topics are valuable, there is perhaps no...
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