Welcome to the Blog for the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia

Learn everything about estate planning, Medicaid, probate, and more through our wealth of blogs. At the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia, we believe that knowledge is power and planning can never start too early.  

Explore our Estate Planning Blog

Meet The Team!

Meet The Team!

Over the past several months, my team has done a great job of keeping pace as news and needs change.  Often, they go above and beyond to bring you the best service possible.  I would like to take a moment to introduce you to the support team that is running the show...

Nothing is Natural, It’s All Experiential

Nothing is Natural, It’s All Experiential

Last year had you told that for much of 2020 I wouldn’t be able to invite clients into my office, I’d have begun pinching pennies and budgeting for a big financial hit. After all, nothing matters more in the estate planning process than interpersonal connection. I...

Planning Your Estate

Planning Your Estate

When thinking about creating an estate plan, whether through a Will or a Trust, or sometimes both, many people base their planning on the assumption that they will live until a certain point in the future. A woman might think the Wills she and her husband are writing...

Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia

Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia

Johns Creek Office

Saddle Brook Office Park
11030 Jones Bridge Road, Suite 208
Johns Creek, Georgia 30022

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