Over the past several months, my team has done a great job of keeping pace as news and needs change.  Often, they go above and beyond to bring you the best service possible.  I would like to take a moment to introduce you to the support team that is running the show at Debra Robinson Law Group.  These are the rock stars of Estate Planning law.

Nash Cloud, Support Team Administrator

Nash is a natural leader, impressing clients with his friendly disposition and (let’s face it) impossibly cute cheeks.   His passion for people, combined with his love of paper crafts, makes him a winning fit as Support Team Administrator.

Raven Robinson, Support Team Lead

Raven’s inquisitive nature and can-do attitude make her a fantastic team lead.  She is able to troubleshoot nearly any problem, even if it means repeatedly breaking into the kitchen cabinets to find an answer.  Her dedication and determination can’t be matched.

Piper Amos, Support Team Associate

Piper’s attention to detail and gentle demeanor make her a valued member of the team.  She is a true wordsmith and top notch document drafting assistant.  Also terribly soft, she is a reliable comfort companion.  She’s helping you by allowing you to pet her.  Really.

Bodie Minter-Eagle, Support Team Admin

Bodie effectively communicates needs, often his own, across all levels of the organization.  Loudly.  His no-nonsense approach to daily tasks, and play time, keep the entire team on track and priorities aligned.  So long as it is understood that providing treats for the Support Team is everyone’s top priority.

As always, my team is here for you. Call our office at the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia at 770-822-2723 or contact us through our website to schedule an appointment today.


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