Welcome to the Blog for the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia
Learn everything about estate planning, Medicaid, probate, and more through our wealth of blogs. At the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia, we believe that knowledge is power and planning can never start too early.
Explore our Estate Planning Blog
Loss and Grief: Navigating an Estate Plan After the Loss of a Loved One
Tragically, now is a moment when many are navigating the loss of a loved one. At the time of writing, 472,920 lives have been lost to Covid-19 in the US and that number only continues to grow. Navigating an estate plan in the shadow of a loved one’s passing is an...
How to Avoid Family Conflict with an Unconventional Inheritance
In December 2020 a wild story began to circulate among estate planning attorneys. The tale told of a friend’s father who had buried $50K in the backyard, intending to pass the money onto his yet unbegotten grandchildren. When the father passed away, his two sons each...
You Need More Than Just A Will
If you have a Will, you've taken an important step. However, if all you have is a Will, you've left yourself unprotected for a significant risk - disability. The risk is more obvious for the elderly, but illness or an accident can happen to anyone at any time. What...
Estate Planning for Singles
When you hear estate planning, what do you think of? For many, it’s family—a strategic way to ensure the future well-being of their spouse and children. In reality, it’s more than that, estate planning is a means of protecting yourself should youbecome incapacitated...
Where’s The Will?
Imagine that your loved one passes away and a Will cannot be found. The consequences could be devastating. That’s why I always check that my clients have a safe place to store their new Will at the time of execution. Typically, when the location of a Will is not...
Thank You!
Our clients are at the heart of what we do. It is always a joy for us to be able to provide you with our best service. We are filled with appreciation as we share that you voted us The Best Law Firm in North Fulton. Family Life Publications produces some of our...
The Secret About Probate Planning: A Cautionary Tale About Disability Protection
Ask any ten people on the street to explain probate court to you and, as less than half of US adults have any sort of estate plan, five will likely have no idea, and the rest will tell you it’s where your family goes to suffer after you die. Neither of these answers...
Get Your Parents To Talk
In six of the ten metropolitan Atlanta counties, growth in the older population is exceeding growth in the general population. If you have parents, grandparents or other family members who are part of that older population, you may find yourself having to step in to...
Digital Assets Complicate Estates
When most people think about providing for loved ones after death, an aspect of planning they miss is what happens to digital assets when the owner dies. Digital assets include online accounts, files stored on a computer or in the cloud, photo sharing sites, books and...
A New Year’s Resolution That Doesn’t Involve Working Out or Dieting
If you’ve ever read T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Wasteland” you might have wondered why April, not January, is described as “the cruelest month.” Surely, Eliot had his reasons and yet January seems like a strong contender for this dubious honor. After all, it is the coldest...
Top 5 Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid
Some estate planning mistakes are inevitable, after all, it can be a complicated process. However, you don’t want to take a chance on making a permanent mistake in your estate planning documents. You’ve had a meaningful life, both acquisitively and through the...
Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Start an Estate Plan
It is hard to believe that we are heading into winter and flu season with the pandemic continuing to rage on. The coronavirus has been unforgiving with how deadly it has proven to be. With mortality at the forefront of the minds of so many, now is the time to finalize...
Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia
Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia
Phone: 770-822-2723
Fax: 770-573-3379
Johns Creek Office
11030 Jones Bridge Road, Suite 208
Johns Creek, Georgia 30022
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