​Have you ever wondered what would happen if you needed to make a small revision to your Estate Planning documents, like changing the person you would like named as your Executor?  Do you occasionally think of a question that you’d like to ask about your Plan but don’t want to book out a full, billable hour of attorney time?  As years pass after executing your documents, do you think updates may be needed but aren’t sure where to start?

Our Estate Plan Maintenance Program can help ensure that your Plan always stays up to date while providing benefits that are exclusive to Plan members. Our Annual Maintenance Program includes:

    • No charge for reasonable phone calls by you, your representatives, or your professional advisors to anyone in our office
    • Law firm initiated changes to your documents to take advantage of changes in law
    • Annual summary of your current estate plan
    • Annual checkup – we will contact you to get current information regarding changes to your family, your assets, or other matters that might affect your estate plan
    • Assistance to your disability panel to verify your disability and get your successor Trustee appointed
    • “Word processing” amendments to your estate planning documents at no additional charge. If changes are more complex than just word processing, the annual maintenance fee paid will be deducted from the bill
    • On-going guidance with funding of new assets acquired during the year
    • A meeting with your family or helpers upon your disability or death to explain the plan you created and outline the assistance available in maintaining or settling your plan (any new services, if required, will be identified and billed separately)
    • Safekeeping your original estate plan documents
    • Special pricing for family members to do planning during the year – a 15% discount
    • Referrals to attorneys with other practice specialties and to other professionals such as accountants, elder care specialists and realtors

The benefits really do speak for themselves. The annual cost for the Maintenance Program is $395 for married clients, $295 for single clients. Taking into consideration the fact that an hour of billable attorney time is $430, the value is apparent.

I am so passionate about ensuring updated, relevant plans for all of our clients, that we are offering the Annual Checkup Questionnaire that we provide to Maintenance Plan members to all clients at no charge. Simply click here to download the document. I hope that, by taking a few moments to review your family and finances, any changes that may need to be made to your Plan will become evident.

Already a Maintenace Plan member? One truly valuable benefit of the plan is the 15% discount on Estate Planning pricing that we extend to members of your family. There is no better time than the present to express your care for your family, sharing this benefit with them.

Whether it is time for a full update of your documents or simply time to make a few tweaks, my team is here for you. Please contact us through our website or reach out at 770-822-2723 with any questions regarding our Estate Plan Maintenance Program or to schedule an appointment today.


Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia 


Contact the Estate Planning Law Group of Georgia 

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