When you’re a veteran of war, you deserve to be compensated for the work you’ve done. If you’ve served the country and have been on 90 days of active duty during wartime, you’re able to apply for the Aid & Attendance Improved Pension. Surviving spouses of those killed at war or after service may also apply for these benefits as a result of their loved one’s service.

How do you qualify for the AAIP?

To qualify based on your medical situation, you must show that you need the assistance of someone else to help you with daily tasks like getting dressed or eating. You’ll then need to file the Veterans Application for Pension or Compensation.

Can you qualify if you’re not in need medically?

You can also qualify for this assistance financially. If you have an average of $80,000 or less in assets, excluding your car and home, then you can qualify for aid.

How can you get help with your application?

Your attorney can help you gather and assemble the paperwork you need to apply for this service. There are around a dozen documents you need to submit to apply for the Aid & Attendance Improved Pension. These include copies of your marriage and death certificates, a copy of your current Social Security Award letter, proof of your income, a physician’s statement, banking information, employment history, a list of your doctors and hospitals you’ve visited within the last year and several others. Once these are gathered, they can be submitted to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for approval.

Source: Veteran Aid, “How to Apply for Aid and Attendance,” accessed July 05, 2016

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