As we get older, the unfortunate fact is that our needs and capabilities in terms of caring for ourselves will change. This change might be quite gradual or sudden, but as time goes by, we can require more help to do things that seem so easy today.

Sadly, too many Georgians who are experiencing a decline in their health fail to ask for help, either because they don’t know it’s available or they are too ashamed to ask. However, you need to understand that there are resources available specifically for these purposes. For instance, if you are a veteran or were married to a veteran and going through this situation, you could be missing out on critical benefits unless you reach out for help.

One important resource is money for veterans (or survivors) who require the help of another person to complete the tasks of daily living. This money is the Aid and Assistance allowance and they are added to existing veterans’ pension payments for people who need daily assistance and/or are bedridden, physically incapacitated or blind.

Just like similar benefits available to veterans and/or the elderly or disabled, there are eligibility requirements that must be met before a person can collect this monthly increase in benefits. The requirements to collect A&A include:

  • Service during wartime
  • Financial limitations
  • Eligibility for the Veterans Pension benefit
  • The need for regular aid or assistance

Should you meet these criteria, you could very well be eligible for additional monthly benefits of which you may not have even been aware.

If you or your loved one is a veteran, there are likely sources of financial support available to you. Discussing your specific situation with an attorney who is experienced in cases involving veterans’ benefits claims and appeals can be crucial in securing benefits you greatly need and deserve.

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